Episode Show Notes

Published September 12th, 2017


Today Chad and Nick interview Chad Alexander, a Game Warden from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Chad Alexander grew up in Watsonville, CA. hunting and fishing, which inspired him to become a game warden. He initially majored in Law Enforcement in college, but revised that to wildlife science after getting some advice on job prospects from Game Wardens. He has been a Game Warden for 18 years, mostly in the Butte County area.

had answers some listener-contributed questions. Get answers such as the exact regulations about having your fishing license, the necessity of a steelhead card, the impact of the 2017 flood waters, and some of the non-toxic shot regulations. Chad also (at last!) clears up the “cotton ball” debate. He also talks about some of his more unusual calls, and what is done with the meat of poached animals.

CalTip hotline mentioned in interview: (916)358-1300

More CalTip information
Fishing and hunting regulations in California.
Learn about the Nonlead Ammunition Law in California from the CA DFW.
Friends of Butte Creek<
Check out this annual Chico event to clean out Chico Creeks put on by Butte Environmental Council.

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