Before you take that next adventure to the beach we have a killer episode for you to check out! Join us as we talk with Evan Praskin of StokeVentures and break down the way he and his friends have shortened the learning curve on fishing the surf for perch, striper and halibut.
Perch are an abundant species that thrive along our California and Oregon coastlines. If you’ve ever been blown off your favorite coastal river, standing on a piece of drift wood starring into Big Blue and wondered where and how to catch these hard fighting “bluegill of the ocean”, we have the answers and more on this episode of the The Barbless Fly Fishing Podcast.
The daily bag limit and possession limit for Perch is 20 fish in combination of all species, with not more than 10 fish of any one species. In the episode we talked about it being “unlimited”, which it is not!